Nothing to Write?man with hand on keyboard

So you are sitting at your desk, staring vacantly at your monitor and trying to think about an awesome subject  to write for your blog. 20 mins go past and still..nothing! This is where I sometimes find myself with no ideas coming to me and the feeling that I have already written everything I want to get across.

So what to do now?…sometimes i will head over to Jaxxy and do some keyword research to try and find something to write about, and other times I will go over some of my older posts in the hope to come up with something I may be able to embellish upon….and another 20 mins go by.

The Solution…hand holding solution sign

The problem with coming up with original content for your blog is not that you can’’s that you waste precious time trying to think of what to write instead of going out there..finding a subject to research and then sitting down and actually writing.  There is a wealth of information on the internet about pretty much everything and if you take time to read and learn something (whatever that may be) you can then have information to write about in as little as 40 mins…The same time it took you thinking up a subject and let’s be honest Procrastinating.

The Alphabet soup techniqueZebra with letter Z

This is one of my all-time favorite ways of brainstorming what to write about and I discovered it over at Wealthy Affiliate. You can take a look at my review for Wealthy Affiliate here

So what is the alphabet soup technique. Well it is really rather simple and can give you tons of ideas in minutes. Since learning about it, this is what I do first when trying to come up with what to write on my blog.

The idea is to simply type in a phrase like “online marketing” into google but with the letter A proceeding it eg “online marketing a”. Underneath the google search bar you should see some search suggestions (ideas!) you can then repeat this process proceeding your phrase with A,B,C,D etc..all the while gaining lots of ideas to use when writing your blog.


Once you have got an idea it is time to put finger to keyboard and start writing..or if you are interested in ranking for specific keywords you should research them using a keyword tool such as Jaxxy or Google Analytics

Not knowing your subject

Let’s say that you have found something to write about that has a good keyword associated with it but you do not know much about the subject…Here’s the thing..they say that to become an expert at something you have to put in 10,000 hours. However a fascinating talk I viewed a while ago states that actually to become really rather good at something (not an expert,but pretty knowledgeable) just takes a bit of effort. So with that in mind I would suggest reading maybe 10 Articles and watching say 5 videos on the subject you wish to write about and then start writing…The Video below is the actual talk I watched..great talk and very inspiring. If you have time please have a look. It is by a guy named Josh Kaufman about how you can learn anything in 20hrs. Very entertaining!

Remember though to write in your own way and keep it original…


I hope this post may have given you a little tip for knowing what to write on your blog and hopefully you may get some inspiration from the alphabet soup technique and the video above. I wish you luck with your writing and please drop me a comment if you feel like it. If you would like to know more about keywords then you can always check out my post here or if you are interested in keyword research tools then you can visit Jaxxy here

Thanks for reading.

